Heyy! My name is Lukas and I am a shuffle dancer and teacher at Kalafa & Batela Shuffle School. I have been dancing shuffle for more than 7 years and I started with teaching 5 years ago.
When I started, there were no shuffle schools in the Czech Republic, so I relied on tutorials and videos on YouTube. It took me many months to learn the basics, but I had one goal that kept me going: to become a dancer like Marktore, Guerrerojah or Aderson Jovani. After a few of years, Kalafa & Batela Shuffle School offered me the opportunity to become their teacher, so I jumped at the chance and started teaching my first group of people although I was very scared of it. However, it was the best decision I have ever made in my life. Currently I teach in 3 cities in the Czech Republic and I dare to say that I have become one of the best shufflers and teachers in our country. I took part in the battles organized by our school, such as the „Battle of Europe“, which took place last October. In 2023 I also had a chance to teach in Finland, Estonia and Poland and now I plan to visit other countries as well. My workshops are primarily about choreos and my main goal is to have fun, to make people happy and also to teach them some new steps. That is why my choreos are not just about shuffling – there are some things inspired by other dance styles like hip hop. So, who’s ready?!
Embark on a Dance Journey with Lukáš Šedivec’s International Workshops! 🌎🕺
Our exceptional instructor, Lukáš Šedivec, is back with even more enthusiasm and creativity for his upcoming International Workshop Tour!
💃 What to Expect:
Unique Choreography: Lukáš infuses workshops with innovative choreography that challenges and delights.
Inclusive Atmosphere: Join a community of like-minded individuals who share the love for movement and self-expression.
Fun and Friendship: Prepare for an unforgettable experience filled with laughter, camaraderie, and, of course, incredible dance moves!
🌈 Join Us on this Dance Adventure!
📅 Tour Dates and Locations: 24.February 12:30 – 14:00 Beginners / 24. February 2024 14:30 – 16:00 Advanced
Máte specifické požadavky nebo chcete vytvořit workshop přesně podle svých potřeb? Naše škola shuffle tance nabízí možnost objednání si workshopu na míru. Náš tým vám pomůže vytvořit taneční program, který bude odpovídat vašim cílům, úrovni a preferencím. Umožňujeme vám získat individuální péči a zaměření, abyste mohli maximálně využít svého času a energie.
Vážení tanečníci a tanečnice,
rádi bychom vás informovali, že během letních měsíců momentálně nepořádáme žádné workshopy.
Na podzim se můžete těšit na nové a inspirativní workshopy, které vám umožní prozkoumat nové styly, zdokonalit své dovednosti a objevit nové rozměry vašeho tance. Náš tým lektorů pracuje na vytváření programu, který vás osloví a bude přinášet nezapomenutelné taneční zážitky.
Pokračujte v sledování našeho webu a sociálních médií, abyste nezmeškali žádné informace o našich nadcházejících workshopech na podzim. Buďte připraveni na taneční dobrodružství, které vám přinese nové výzvy, přátelství a nezapomenutelné zážitky.
Vaše Shufflekalafa.cz